Philipsburg, PA
Below is a list of all of our services. If you don't see the service listed below, please just ask if it's possible!
Website Development and Design - $750.00
Need a new website to get customers to your business? I will develop and design your website from scratch. We will work together to create a beautiful website that will help grow your business.
Logo Design - $100.00
Need an eye-catching logo for your business? I will develop an appealing logo that will get anyone's attention!
Social Media Development - $150.00
Need help getting a presence on Social Media? I will develop fun and interactive Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter pages that will help grow your business and following.
Website Education - $200.00
Don't know how to edit the website we just created? I will spend time with you to teach you how to edit and create content for your website!
Continued Website Design - $50.00/month
Want to have your website be updated professionally? For a low monthly fee, I will continually update your website with new content. A complete website redesign is not included in this subscription.
One-time Website Update Fee - $100.00
Want to have your website be updated professionally.? If you do not have a monthly subscription, I will update your website for a fee when requested.